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The sculpture was commissioned for the Gordie Howe Center for Alzheimer's Research and Education Society. The significance of the Canadian Maple Leaf that is depicted in puzzle pieces is that it is symbolic of the timeline and memories that make up his life. He (and...


As the legend tells a colossal Christopher shelters the child Jesus as he carries Him safely across a raging river also bearing the weight of the world that Jesus holds in His hands....

A very challenging image that portrays the quintessential example one of the toughest gospel messages to follow.   Small scale replicas available in quantities of 50 or more....

Homeless Jesus Model Receives Pope’s Blessing Papal Charities Building, Vatican City Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, Ireland Catholic Charities, Washington D.C Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, Singapore St. John the Divine Cathedral, New York, New York Holy Magdalena Church, Bruges, Belgium St. George’s Tron Church, Glasgow, Scotland Sant’Egidio, Antwerp, Belgium St. Anne’s Square, Manchester, England Sant'Egidio Headquarters, Trastevere, Rome Capernaum, Israel Hungary, Country Wide Tour...

The image of Jesus is that of a transient homeless with his life in a tattered bag on His back and reminds us that we are to welcome not alienate others from our social circles. If the piece is placed in a setting of seats...

Inspired by the Gospel of Matthew 25:40, this sculpture is a visual representation of Charity. It tells us that we need to see Christ in the poor and the hungry and that we should see our acts of kindness to them as kindness to Him.   Life...

In this piece Christ is portrayed as a homeless man naked and clinging to a piece of cardboard to keep him warm. Based on Matthew 25, "When I was Naked" confronts our prejudices against the impoverished and compels us to look deeper for a glimpse...

This sculpture challenges the viewer to see Christ is the suffering of the sick and infirm. Often these people are the easiest to overlook, since it's common to want to turn our eyes from disease or injury. After viewing "When I was Sick", it is...

The most common image of an inmates hands resting on bars and with the wounds the sculpture embodies the powerful gospel of Matthew 25.   St. Paul’s Basilica, Rome, Italy.   Model Size (Bronze) 27″h x 23″w x 7.5″d   [no_button size="" style="" text="Small Replica Available" link="https://www.sculpturebytps.com/miniature-sculptures/christian-collection/when-i-was-in-prison/" target="_blank" color="#FF0000" hover_color="#464646" background_color="#191919" hover_background_color=""...

A powerful and traditional image of our Lord breaking bread while seated at the center of this contemporary installation of The Last Supper. The twelve empty seats invite the viewers to sit at Christ’s table and become the disciples of today.   Life Size (Bronze) 50″h x 31″w...